Monday, May 19, 2008

Fabulista Proclaims: The New Status Cymbal (K-W-E-N-G!)

You see them everywhere nowadays. They are the common denominator of the tasteless. The nouveau riche. The bourgeoisies. Many designers produce them; run of the mill, thoughtless products that are thrown at the ignorant, the clueless and the style-less. These undiscerning consumer of mass-products swing around town, toting their overpriced canvas, displaying it like their trophy for being at the apex of style and affluence. Unfortunately, it is more like a scarlet letter for their lack thereof.

So don’t walk too near me if you own one of those monogrammed status cymbals. Otherwise, don’t blame me if I can’t hear you – those clanging monograms are just too loud.

Status cymbals - symbols of gauche, unselective and indiscriminating tastelessness.