Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The "Go On Be Happy - I Dare Ya" Edition. Part 5

Madonna's Hung Up on Crack...

Go on... I bet ya can't resist laughing...

The "Go On Be Happy - I Dare Ya" Edition. Part 4

More than just the hated "back seat driver"...

The "Go On Be Happy - I Dare Ya" Edition. Part 3

Are you any of these cell phone users?

The "Go On Be Happy - I Dare Ya" Edition. Part 2

Things you CAN'T do when you're NOT in a pool

The "Go On Be Happy - I Dare Ya" Edition. Part 1

Appeals to the Foodie in you, dun it? *wink*

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Grandmother’s Story – The Potential of a Rubber Band.

Zero-point – a very popular rubber band game in my younger days. Excited to start my own ‘team’ of zero pointers, I got hold of a pack of brand new rubber bands and started to weave a rubber band rope. Just then, my grandma passed by my busy hands to watch me loop one rubber band to another to form the rope.

“Oh, you shouldn’t use those new bands – you’d be disappointed with their performance. You should’ve asked me for old ones…” She looked at me in a certain manner and I knew there was going to be another lesson to be learnt.

One of the necessary characteristics of a rubber band rope is its stretchability. My grandmother promptly took up one of the new bands I bought and began to pull at two opposing ends. The unseasoned band snapped within five centimeters.

I sat there agape, looking at the woven rubber band rope that was at least already two meters long. I can’t possibly use that rope, it will snap even before I start using it.

My grandmother walked with a steady pace and I saw disappear into the light of the kitchen, framed by the doorway. She reappeared, holding in her hands a bag of rubber bands. They don’t look new. In fact, many of them looked darker and glossy – a collection of coloration from age and use.

“These rubber bands have been around.” She lifted one from out of the pack and continued, “I got this one from the butcher down at the market. He used it to fasten the paper wrapper he used to foil the meat”

I took the band from her hand and looked closely at it, thinking that I could probably observe some marks that might identify it with the Uncle Lim, the butcher whom grandma usually got her fresh meat from.

“He got it from the man who got it from the delivery man who supplies him the paper wrappers, who in turn got it from his supplier of raw materials and the chain goes on.”

I looked at the band even closer – I thought I actually saw some paper-ness and raw-material-ness in it. But I was promptly brought to my senses.

“You can’t see or trace where it came from or where it’s been.” She smiled and patted my head, “But you can tell by the way it feels and how it handles being stretched.”

She stroked and stretched another band in her hand. It was amazing how supple it was. In fact, I saw the rubber band stretch to an amazing length thrice its original!

“All rubber bands are made with the ability to stretch. That’s their nature.” She continued while looping the band in her hands. “But they must be slowly eased into it. If you try to pull it all the way at once, while it is still new, it reacts by snapping – destroying itself and hurting the person holding it. But if you let it yield slowly, looping it into progressively greater objects, it will stretch and manage itself well under the pressure. It will even prove itself to be very useful. You can’t tell all that just by looking at it, but you can see by observing how it behaves when you stretch it. It can do all that simply because it has been seasoned…”

My grandmother smiled lovingly as she handed the rest of the rubber bands on her lap to me. We sat together, side by side, making the rubber band rope until it was time for her to prepare dinner.

I guess I can use this lesson as I observe how organizations handle people management and how effective they are at manpower deployment. No matter how much potential you see in a person, you still need to ease one into the task.

Try to put the person straight to hold a task of great girth and one may snap. Like the rubber band, it thus destroys itself by burning out or something similar or worse, hurting oneself and all around. On the other hand, stretch one to the task, to one’s abilities, not only will the person be able to perform better, you can also prevent serious repercussions because with experience, through seasoning, one can handle oneself far better and with greater panache and flair.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

An unglorious Gloria Jeans

It is critical for the any establishment in the service industry to have a good ‘word-of-mouth’ record. I understand that and I always try my best to compliment. However, my coffee drinking experience at Gloria Jeans (VivoCity) left not only a bad taste in my mouth, but also a couple of emotional baggage.

The rain on Saturday was incorrigible. But I must grab the opportunity that a weekend offers and go out. After a short stint at IKEA, I ventured off to VivoCity with the intention to laze at Starbucks® with a cuppa and my copy of Paul Coehlo.

Upon arrival, I passed by a candy store. Most of us would have heard of Candy Empire by now especially with their controversial and un-PC like denial of entry by wheelchair bound individuals. But then again, it’s not exactly surprising coming from a store whose namesake makes reference to what has been analogized with licensed cultural genocide and statutory national rape (A. Roy). Unable to resist, I went in to grab some goodies pre-laden with empty calories.

Judging from the crowd bustling in the shop, what Richard Branson said is true – there is no such thing as ‘bad publicity’. The queue snaked from the counter at one side of the shop right to the other. Here’s where I am totally miffed – the queue system is so bad, there were people who would just cut through the line, right under the cashiers’ noses (who are strangely oblivious to all that).

I tried to express my displeasure to the cashier who attended to me, but all I got was a wry grin of exasperation and an obligatory “ok”. Well, so much for the ‘empire’.

I thought a cup of my favourite brew at my favourite café would cheer me up. Alas, the Starbucks® at VivoCity was more crowded than a beehive in the summer. Being me, I thought I’d give the brand new Gloria Jeans outlet a try. After all, I have not tasted their coffee before.

In all truth, the coffee I was served tasted great. It was full-bodied and robust. That’s how I like my cuppa – bold and resting firmly on my tongue. I paired it with their Chocolate Obscenity – a chocolate banana cake topped with a thick layer (about two inches) of chocolate cream. It was a match made in Arabica Heaven.

Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for their service. I had been walking for miles before I decided to settle down on a seat in their café for a breather and leg rest. Before I headed for the counter to place my order, I left my bags of shopping, in their carriers on one of their banquettes. While waiting for my coffee to be served, I saw one of the staff cleaning my table of its previous occupants’ crockery.

However, when I return to my seat, to my horror, I noticed that water was splashed all over the table, onto the seat and inadvertently onto my shopping bags as well. A considerable amount of water also found its way into the bag and onto the contents. All these happened and the staff did not even bother to dry the seat or the bags.

I was appalled. The rudeness and the irresponsibility of the staff involved was just inconceivable at this day and age. Not only can I not sit on my chosen seat, even my shopping were all wet. Nevertheless I decided to give them a chance. I waited to se if any of the staff would approach me to apologize or explain.

Five minutes into my coffee and cake, I decided I had given them grace enough; besides, I need fresh carriers to transfer my shopping into. I approached the counter and told the staff on duty what happened.

“Oh, I am so sorry. You would need a new carrier wouldn’t you?” He promptly offered one to me and I asked for another. He obliged without hesitation and apologized again.

“It’s alright.” was my reply.

I was relieved that I was able to transfer my shopping into dry bags of course. However, under those circumstances, since it was through no fault of mine that my bags got wet, but rather the (ir)responsibility of the establishment that cause the distress, I was expecting more than just a couple of paper bags as compensation.

In the end I had to settle for an uncomfortable hard seat and I didn’t even get a chance to pull out my Paul Coehlo.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006


Sheryl Crow once sang that a change would do you good. I heard on the tube today that changes were made in the US political scene and in Singapore, changes in the penal codes for sex crimes will be addressed too. And I just love the pun there.

There was an apparent resounding call for change in the US when the people voted for the Democrats into the House. I am not REALLY sure about how the US parliamentary system works, but the senate is apparently still up for grabs (whatever that means). Well, it shows that stupid is as stupid does and it can only carry you so far. Human beings aren’t really big fans of losing their loved ones – no matter the cause or cost.

In Singapore, penal codes for sex abusers will be revised (and did I mentioned that I just LOVED the pun?). This is in light of the authorities claim to update the law to meet modern issues and keep up with the times. But one of the highlighted ones is the one about oral and anal sex. Apparently, once it has been revised, it will be okay, amongst consenting adults – so long as one is male and the other is female (that is how I understand by the term ‘heterosexual’). I wonder what would happen if a lesbian and a gay were to engage themselves in that sexual act. Would it still be legal? I also wonder if two members of the same sex were to do it, but with one taking on the ‘female role’ and the other the ‘male role’. Would that be legal too?

I know, it’s all very ironic and contradictory. Especially when the legislators (is that how they are addressed?) explained the need to adjust this change is to let “private sexual life remain just that, private”. If they are really sincere about it, why not just leave it at ‘consenting adults’. Is there a need for the defining ‘heterosexual’ bit? Afterall, sexuality is a very broad and complicated issue nowadays – the ‘modern times’.

Meanwhile, I will look forward to the announcement of the revised ‘penal codes’ on sexual issues. Snigger, snigger.

Monday, November 6, 2006

Light A Million Candles

The innocent victims of online child abuse cannot speak for themselves. But you can. Watch this video, then light a candle of support at www.lightamillioncandles.com to encourage governments, politicians and banks to eradicate the commercial viability of online child pornography.

Sunday, November 5, 2006

When darkness gives way to dawn.

When darkness gives way to dawn.


A rabbi posed to his students the following important question: “When does night end and day begins?”

One student replied: “When from afar you can distinguish between a goat and a sheep, the night is over.”

Another student said: “When you can see the difference between an olive tree and a fig tree, the day has begun.”

They awaited the reply of the rabbi, who finally spoke: “When you see a woman, either black or white, you tell her, “You are my sister.” When you see a man, either rich or poor, you tell him, “You are my brother.” This is when the night has ended and a new day has dawned."

- Abstract from statement by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
World Summit for Sustainable Development
Johannesburtz, South Africa.

September 3, 2002

Free Hugs.

A child needs 3 hugs day to grow tall.

Everyone needs to know that they are loved.

A hug says it all - closeness, acceptance, affection.

So go ahead, give someone a hug today.

Spread the love.

Find out more about the FREE HUGS campaign and the website started by a volunteer touched the project.



Strength and Shield.

Jehovah Tsur
- God is my Strength

Jehovah Nissi
- God is my Banner

Jehovah Tsidkenu
- God is my Righteousness

Gabriel and Daniel
- God is my strength and my judge.

I called on the names of God and He came to my aid in my hour of need. He tramples upon the wicked and keeps his flock within his warm embrace - safe and protected, righteous and pure.


In a recent professional work review and ranking where I work, one of my superiors, a vice-principal, not only made false accusations about my conduct but also spun yarns of lies and deceptions - false testimonies about me. She (yes, it is a creature of the female sex) had tried to murder my reputation with her false yarns of accusations.

Thinking back, it was ironic that all the events happened when it did. The school, being a so-called 'mission' school was sharing messages based on the sixth and ninth commandments:

6th: You shall not murder.

9th: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

Changing the context of 'murder' to 'using words to kill', the two commandments were blended into consecutive weeks' devotional messages. What was sadly and sardonically coincidental, was that these words rang over the school's PA system as she committed the heinous acts.


During the ranking exercise, she claimed that I had not followed protocol and did not turn up as instructed for school one morning. Even though I had been given the day off by applying for UPA, I was supposed to turn up in the morning to handover the day's lesson plans to the relief teacher. Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen, last minute events, I was informed after office hours on Friday evening that my presence was required elsewhere for an official matter. Since the office was already closed, I sent an urgent message to my colleague responsible for arranging relief.

Then came the reply, “Since you've applied for UPA, go ahead for your day's event. Just send a copy of your lesson plans and instruction to me and S.”

So I did. I followed protocol as the situation allowed. That was the explanation I gave when my reporting officer (RO) told me about her remarks. However, when my RO checked back with her, she claimed that the upset is not over my failure to turn up that morning, rather, it was my failure to submit any application for my apparent absence. In simple words, I was absent without official consent of leave.

Now, this is a serious accusation to make against anyone in employment and more so of a government employee. Absence without official leave (or AWOL in military circles) is a grave and chargeable offence. When my RO got back to me on this new turn of events, I launched my own investigation immediately. But it wasn't quite necessary - the application form, which I had been sure was submitted was conveniently and accessibly filed in the general office. All I had to do was ask for it and a copy was made immediately available to me. Within minutes of the request, I got a duplicate of the UPA application in question - duly signed and approved by the principle on the 20th of July, four whole days before the day of absence. I kept the duplicate after making copies of it to my RO and other superiors.


I wanted, needed to be vindicated. My reputation was at stake. But when my RO sent a copy of the UPA application form to the said accuser (of the brethren), all she did was take a glimpse at the form and coldly returned it back to my RO. No apologies, no regrets.

I must give credit to my RO, she was most wonderful and supportive of me in my time of need. I was constantly assured that everything was fine and she was also concerned about doing things right by me.

Even after everything was over, she went and spoke with the principal. She wanted to make clarifications with him on my behalf. When she got back to me, she once again assured me that all was fine and everything was over. The principal had assured her that there was “no harm done”.


One of the messages shared over the PA over the past few days was the suggestion that when a lie is told, one can always be sure that a second one must be told to keep the first one credible and the vicious process continues, ad nauseam et infinitum.

The accuser told the first lie, which was easily broken. She then had to tell a second one to cover herself, which was once again broken since paper can never foil fires. What was the result of it all? She had now completely discredited herself before my eyes and many others who know about this incident.

That my dear reader, would now include you as well…


Recently, I was told all report book remarks are to be vetted by her. Naturally, so was mine. When the copy was returned to me after her editing, she struck out on my remarks - “improve on in”.

“Improve in” is a common grammar mistake

I went to check with my other superior in the English department.

“Should I use her wrong version or stick with my correct one.” After a check with the dictionary, C, the superior I was consulting with looked at me and said, “Use the correct one… but keep a copy of this…”

We gave each other an understanding smile.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Religion? Relation?

I am not interested in your lip service.

