Sunday, November 5, 2006

When darkness gives way to dawn.

When darkness gives way to dawn.


A rabbi posed to his students the following important question: “When does night end and day begins?”

One student replied: “When from afar you can distinguish between a goat and a sheep, the night is over.”

Another student said: “When you can see the difference between an olive tree and a fig tree, the day has begun.”

They awaited the reply of the rabbi, who finally spoke: “When you see a woman, either black or white, you tell her, “You are my sister.” When you see a man, either rich or poor, you tell him, “You are my brother.” This is when the night has ended and a new day has dawned."

- Abstract from statement by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres
World Summit for Sustainable Development
Johannesburtz, South Africa.

September 3, 2002