Saturday, June 2, 2007

“Got Milked”

It’s a conspiracy, I’ll tell you. And there’s a cartel behind this.

I bet you it’s the OMEC – as in “OMEC Don’ll have a farm, EIEIO (Export In Extremely Irritating Ounces)”.

For years, they’ve been telling us, singing the mantra “mmmmmmilk is goooooooood for you”. Even celebrities, nations and governments have rallied up behind these organizations to encourage the delirious intake of this ‘healthful’ bovine excretion in massive doses.

Now that they’ve got us eating out of their hands – rather, drinking straight from their udders, they claim that there is an over demand (duh?) and supplies are low. Does that remind you of another cartel that similarly and deliberately lowers production to raise certain, ahem, fuel prices?

Supplies are low? My arse! Or in this case, my cow! Jolt them female bovines out of their mammary glands, I say, pump like they’ve never been pumped before and get my daily RDA of protein intake onto my table!!