Saturday, March 25, 2006

Coffee and new friends.

Click to see bigger pic.

Who would have thought that hanging out at a café can be so rewarding and that coffee tasting would be so much fun?

It was Friday and after my usual one-hour swim, I headed to my favorite study spot in the city. Yes, as ironic as it may seem, the most conducive spot for me to study and contemplate on my assignments (as well as other issues in my life) is a café in the city.

As all of you know, I only ever visit Starbucks® for my caffeine fix. It could be a preference for their cool, clean lines and friendly interiors as oppose to another one famous for their ‘cozy’ and ‘woody’ corporate theme. Plus the fact that I was once served warmed milk when I specifically asked for a mint infused chai drink.

Anyway, I have been such a regular at this spot that I am now on first name basis with the ‘partners’ (aka baristas) at the store. And while I was there that day, one of the managers came over and invited me to a coffee tasting session at 7 in the evening. Since I was going to be there till late reading my novel (a school text) and ever the adventurer (with an eye on the fine print on my insurance) I decided to accept the invite and join in the fun. After all, who can turn down free food and a friendly sharing session?

Coffee shared at the session. Click for more info.

After three rounds of spraying French-press brewed Espresso, Italian-roast and French-roast coffee onto our tongues, rolls of caramel éclair, hazelnut chocolates and words like ‘smoky’, ‘nutty’, ‘heavy-bodied’, ‘low-acidity’ thrown about later, we were all high and laughing with each other on a caffeine buzz; not to mention coffee-wiser.

Incidentally, I would recommend those coffee above to be drank without milk or sugar and taken with good quality nuts or dark chocolate. It will bring out the smoky, dark roasted flavors of the Latin-American beans.

Later that evening at about 10 p.m., I decided it was time to go when I was done with half the book I was supposed to read. While saying my goodbyes to the ‘partners’ and thanking them for the wonderful session earlier, I was invited to another coffee tasted session. “Hey, why not? I’m always on for a little education...”

Paraphrasing a #1 bestseller self help book, it’s good to always show yourself friendly – it’s a people magnet that gets you acquaintances if not actual friends.

Here's a clip of the place I like to hangout...