Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fabulista Learns: Life Goes On.

IT KEEPS MOVING, this strange phenomenon called ‘life’. Even when you are celebrating your birthday, it continues to beat with the steady rhythmic hum of the heart. It takes the most mundane of tasks to remind you of that.

Woke up this morning after a night of drinking and came to the realization while doing laundry. How humbling…

Am assessing the model trainees after their six-year training. Some of their standards are appalling – in ability to fulfill the simplest of requirements of being on the catwalk is simply not acceptable. Being a klutz is NOT an option.

What is more exasperating is the incredible demand of the chief assessor, insisting that all shall continue from 8 in the morning to 6 in the evening to rush through the assessment of the model-candidates. This is simply crazy - on a Friday night, one has better things to do. Even if its watching paint dry (which of course, it isn't) one would rather that than work.

Madness. How would assessment be fair when one is frustrated and exhausted? Of course, being the ultimate Queen Bitch, one made legal enquiries into the incident and the chief had no choice but to retain authoritative rights and play the legalistic game of ceasing all activities only at 5.

Slut… no match for The Bitch.

Anyway, no time for trivial entertainment… The Fabulista needs to churn out an assignment paper.