Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fabulista Knows: It is not the same everywhere.

You hear the chant of concern ad nauseam – “it’s the same everywhere”.

They make the person saying it sound sagely and wise; the truth is, it doesn’t and it isn’t. Things are not the same everywhere and human dynamics are just that – it is dynamic; they are not the same everywhere.

I have been working for the past 10 years of my life and have seen enough to know that they can be offices that run like heaven on earth and others a scene out of Dante’s apocalyptic vision.

Those people who tell you “it’s the same everywhere” are not giving you advice. They are convincing themselves of their belief that the status quo cannot be changed and consoling themselves of their decision to settle for the second (third? fourth? fifth?) best was not a mistake or error of judgment on their part.

They are not speaking to you or for your sake; they are reminding and convincing themselves. For you, believe in yourself – no one can live your life for you; only you can. You only have one life to live – make it the best one and never settle for the second best.