Monday, September 1, 2008

Fabulista In: The Human Race

There are the poseurs and the playeurs. There are those who are there to get ahead, there are those who just want to be seen. Of course then, there are those who go to see. It takes all sorts, but I am not talking about the world in general. That would be such a cliché.

I am talking about the Nike+ Human Race, which happened yesterday (and depending on where you are reading this, today). You might remember vaguely my mentioning of the event here. It was to be my first public running event. The city where I ran was one of the first (if not THE FIRST) venues to close application due to full registration.

The event’s venue was akin to a microcosmic view of social types, from the pretenders – those who actually bothered to style and gel up their hair, to the other extreme who would just turn up with their B.O. on full-blast and hair in a ridiculous ponytail.

Nevertheless, the race was a personal event to pit me against myself – I wanted to set my own target – to run the trail without slowing down to a walk. That I did and beyond. According to Tiger Woods, courtesy of my Nike+ iPod nano, I ran my best 10K so far. Yay, me!

At the end of the there was a concert, Nike products giveaways and of course, de rigeur prize presentation fulfilled by the minister who was there. Ever ready to rah-rah the state’s ideology, there was mention of the event as an ideal dating activity. It was even suggested that the event could be made in line with the Youth Olympics in two years’ time. Sheesh, give it a break will you! Party lines were spewing off his mouth like the Merlion’s water jets. It's a sporting event, why make it political?

Still, I enjoyed myself. I am proud of myself.


C. L. DeMedeiros said...

I need a new fabulous bag like yours.


Fabulista said...

Yes, don't we all...? ;-X