Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fabulista Found: The Perfect Counter-Reason

As many of one’s readers already know, there is the duplicitous proselytizing activity every morning in one’s workplace (aka WTS). Many would also know of one’s countdown to the departure from this ironically, god-forsaken place.

However, a bitch of a pointer reinforced the ‘official’ reason I’ve been reiterating to those who had been hounding me with the letter ‘y?’ That l’il bitch was talking about loyalty and using the example of ex-wannabe trainees who return to be their trainers.

How wonderfully loyal and conceptually sound, no? But once again, one is sidelined as an outsider and made an ‘other’.

No matter. Because, if that is the case, isn’t it all the more important that one returns to one’s alma mater – The Kampung School of Fabulousness – then?

Thanks L’il Miss Bitch. You’ve just given me the perfect excuse… oops, I mean, ‘reason’.