Monday, August 4, 2008

Fabulista Inhales: First Lesson on Fabulousness.

To quote an 80s pop-rock song, the heat is on. This evening marks the first ACTUAL lesson in my journey on the pursuit of a Masters in Teaching Fabulousness.

Now I am juggling assignments while carrying on my career as a trainer for budding wannabes at WTS. It's not easy that the parents of the wannabes are basically difficult creatures from outer space. Okay, I am making it sound like an episode from X-Files, I exaggerate. But you would understand if you are a trainer at this elitist school as well.

Nevertheless, I shouldn't be too worried about WTS anymore – August marks the last five months in this archaic, conceited wannabe school. After that, au revoir ma douleur, au revoir la ville du mal! I am going back to my alma mater!