Sunday, November 4, 2007

Fabulista reflects: right, wrong, normal, truth.

“Our moral compass can only point us in the right direction, it can't make us go there.”

– Grissom, from the television series, “CSI”.

A person raised in the knowledge of right moral values may learn to differentiate what between wrong and right, as stipulated by one’s culture. However, it does not mean that the person will do the right thing. That is the point about choice and free will.

Even then, moral value are at once shaped and passed down through one’s culture. Culture, a manmade entity, differs from group to group – culturally, ethnically and even linguistically. What is acceptable and ‘normal’ to one may not be so of another. What is deemed ‘normal’ is a state of hegemony. Hegemony has the potential and very often has succeeded in making one believe and be convicted in the status quo.

Unfortunately, what is deemed ‘normal’ does not make right. What is ‘normal’ is only the hegemony, the majority. It is what most of society believe in or do. Most of society, however, does not make the right of society. Remember Nazi Germany?

Make choices and decisions, without manmade prejudice, without human influence. Weigh the balance within the self. In the essence and truth of the self, one finds the right and the truth.