Sunday, January 14, 2007

Reminders and Reality.

Child sees flower
Blooming in the bright sunlight
Opens eyes in wonder.

Life and reality have had a reboot recently and if you are still not convinced, just smell the coffee by tasting the early morning jam for breakfast on the table and get stuck in the early morning traffic jam on the infamous stretch of road along Bukit Timah.

This is the end of the second week of school and this year I have been given a class of primary one boys. It’s surreal. I’ve always thought the position sacred – reserved for experienced and capable teachers. But I was placed instead. I – one who has just graduated from Teaching University and barely six months into the school’s culture and environment.

It’s surreal. I feel like I’ve stepped into a Dali… or even a Miro. Everything is familiar but not quite THERE. Someone up there probably thinks me capable but what I am hoping and working for is that I don’t disappoint the boys. It’ll be horrible if anything goes wrong with the boys in my care.

God, I feel like a over-anxious father.

Reality reminded me of my resolution and joy of singlehood.

On the train to town today I saw a family of six – a husband, a wife, three very young siblings and a domestic help.

The husband, who is also the father, sat the youngest siblings on his lap, entertaining the child along the journey.

The other two children sat next to each other as they stared out of the train’s window into the streaking darkness beyond, minded by the domestic help.

The wife sat with earphones (or were they earplugs, really?) firmly planted in her ears, staring into space, occasionally fidgeting with her MP3 player. Nonchalant, oblivious, indifferent.

I guess the domestic help is the mother (of the three children).

I am contented to be alone.

I am happy to adopt.