Saturday, October 28, 2006


This is the week of revelation. This is the week when reality brings you down to earth. This is the week when I realize that the fate of Icarus is undesirable. No matter how high you try to fly, gravity will bring you down to earth. But if you try to resist and flap harder to overcome the pull, the sun's intense rays will melt your fragile will and you come crashing down to reality that is earth - the realm of mortals.

Performance evaluation - we get graded for our quality in the long manufacturing process line within the education factory.

“I can't grade you too high… since you're still new…”

“What would it mean if you are graded well and others who have been here far longer gets graded lower than you…?”

I am new and therefore it is impossible that I am more competent than those who have been around, presumably more experienced with their tried and tested, non-boat rocking methods. Perhaps when I have conformed into their standards of the safe and tried and tested, I will be deemed more capable and competent.

Like the irony of Icarus, neither can nor should I aim too low. For one who is deemed merely skimming upon the surface of the waters would soon succumb to the humidity and be engulfed to a watery grave. Such is the tedium of maintaining zero gravity - the motions of flotation that melds into a daily affair of everyday busy nothings.

If I am new, I am still equally condemned should I make an error on this default. Since it is something that has been done in perpetuity, my being new notwithstanding, when an error is made, it shall be hung out to dry in shame. No chance in grace given. A mistake as a result of a careless, ignorant oversight must be harped upon.

And for the one without a word of consolation but poured vinegar upon the gaping, bleeding wound, wonder no more upon your lack of a beau and extended singular status - your lack of social graces denies you of any companion.

For the one whose mouth spits venom upon the hurting, you must learn to try and revel in your single hood. You shall be thus for a long time to come.

Perhaps there is a saving grace to all these un-events - for where I am suppose to function, I have been deemed competent. This, amidst all the cruelty of the week, is a little ray of hope and happiness with in this tunnel of perpetual darkness and gloom. I look to it to surface, to joy.