Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Bitch is Back!

The walking thermostat actually brought the convocation matter up. It was a good thing I had anticipated all of this and had prepared my rebuttal – my Jewish godparents had taught me well.

It’s too bad her foot stool, flavour-of-the-month had gone to NIE for his training stint. She must be feeling the lost between her peds and this behaviour is the emotion manifested.

Poor sod, by bringing the matter up, she raised the questions why the office is deprived of people before 5 in the evening; why is a relief-teacher ‘untouchable’ and why is a teacher expected to be back in school even after applying for UPA.

Some people are too smart for themselves and become poor fools for others.

Sigh... it’s just that as a result of fighting this battle, I was fatigued and depressed over the holiday. I had to down servings of sweet stuff (double scoop gelato, honeyed sea coconut with white jelly, multiple meals) just to get myself happy again.

Watch out cats... cos’ the bitch is back! In fact, he was never gone.

Not completely anyway.
