Saturday, May 17, 2003

[A Quiet Dinner for Three]

- vincent

The stars twinkled in the twilight sky

Celestial dances upon black velvet

Three of us sat, face to face

Hands on the marble table top

T'was a quiet dinner for three

Vain attempts to complete the meal

My throat was blocked

My gut was wrenched

Can I order a drink?

Nauseous at the thought.

How can I even sit here and pretend

That everything is okay?

In a whimsical fashion

I anaesthetised myself

With a random mindless beat

From the silent piped in radio

The forbidden urge to reach out

The screaming desire to hold you

Stifled by the musty evening air

Into a silently vociferous stare

The next meal you go

Will be a quiet dinner

A quiet dinner for a smiling duo

A silent do without ever seeing me

Nous n'avons �t� jamais cens�s pour �tre, pas tandis que nous sommes de deux c�t�s de la ligne. Je ne pourrais pas atteindre dehors � votre c�t�; vous ne comprendrez jamais le mien.

C'est mon destin alors, pour avoir un go�t de ciel mais ne jamais le tenir dans des mes mains.

Au revoir mon ami, au revoir. Au cas o� nous aurions rencontr� dans diff�rent une circonstance, la fin aurait �t� un chorus de joie, peut-�tre.