Saturday, May 23, 2009

Fabulista Reads: Again!

Just completed:


If you are a fan of Maeve Binchy, you would have been captivated by her warm and intimate style of writing. The prose that she weaves links you into the stories as one of the involved characters. You laugh, you hurt and you cry with them. Heart and Soul is no different – it made me cry as well.

The latest from Binchy weaves characters from her previous stories like Scarlet Feather, Quentins, Nights of Rain and Stars and Whitethorn Woods with new ones created for this new one. One of the main characters Fiona is from the previous NORAS and her story from the other novel continues in this one. Together with other new characters and set in a new heart clinic, Binchy tells of an Ireland in transition. It is a new place that is coming to terms with its budding cosmopolitanism. Without being didactic and preachy, the theme is introduced in a heart-warming and at times emotionally-charged tale.

Now starting on:
